Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My #OneWord2012: LOVE

A few nights ago, my husband and I went out to dinner to celebrate the New Year.  We began discussing his resolutions for 2012.  As we discussed all of his wonderful resolutions, he paused mid-way through our conversation and simply said, ", 'Love more' - what does that mean?"   
He was referring to my tweet from the night before: 

Skip to today, and this tweet showed up in my #EMchat feed: 

I have been seeing the hash #OneWord2012 show up in my feed, and following the great conversations regarding one another's #OneWord2012.  Some are funny, some are serious, some are obvious, and some aren't.  

I decided I wanted to choose my #OneWord2012.  

I immediately dismissed my original resolution, "love more", merely because it had two words, and I didn't think it was deep enough.  But after hours of brainstorming - I keep coming back to the "Love More" tweet I posted a few days ago.  

So, (drum roll please), my #OneWord2012 is..... "Love". 

The beauty of having a blog is that I don't have to be limited to 140 characters, and can fully explain my #OneWord2012 to anyone who is interested, just as I explained to my husband a few nights ago. 

Love... my family. 

I want to spend more time savoring each moment I have with them.  I want to be present mentally and emotionally when I am with them - and really, really pay attention.  I don't want to forget one glorious minute I have with all of them.  

Love... my job. 

It might be impossible for me to love my job more than I do.  If you know me, you know how blessed I feel to work at Seminary of the Southwest.  You would also know that I feel so lucky to be in a profession that not only excites me daily, but challenges me in ways that I appreciate.  

But that's not what I am talking about.  I am talking about loving the parts that I don't necessarily find exciting.  I want to slow down, roll up my sleeves, and tackle each task with excitement, inspiration and motivation.  

Love... myself. 

I am constantly trying to be and do better.  I analyze and over-analyze.  I beat myself up over the smallest of mistakes or miscommunications.  As a result, it changes who I am.  If you know me, really know me, you know that I prefer to be upbeat and positive.  I prefer to smile - actually, I prefer to belly laugh.  I prefer to hug over handshake.  I prefer to see the good in people, over the faults.  I prefer a high-five over a pat on the back.  That's just who I am.   

Love... my body. 

I am an athlete.  My body knows it, I just need to remind myself!  So, I'm making working out a priority.  I'm committing to run a half marathon this year.  Running a half scares me, but it also excites me!

So, join in on the #OneWord2012 fun!  

